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Autore Discussione: Ancora rumors sul Mercato piloti Mondiale Enduro  (Letto 11659 volte)
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Reputazione 11807
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WWW Oscar
« inserita:: 09 Ottobre 2012, 15:06:48 »


Mercato piloti Mondiale Enduro
Ancora rumors

Radio paddock parla di Alex Salvini al Team HM Honda e Thomas Oldrati all'Husqvarna

Mancano due settimane al Gran Premio di Francia di Brignole, ultima prova del Mondiale Enduro 2012 e continuano ad arrivare rumors sul mercato piloti in previsione della stgione 2013.

HM Honda Il Team sarà supportato ancora da Honda Europa e il Team Manager Franco Mayr è intenzionato a riconfermare Simone Albergoni a fianco di un nuovo arrivato che potrebbe essere Alex Salvini, da schierare in E2. Praticamente certo invece l'addio a Rodrig Thain.

KTM Fabio Farioli ha già riconfermato Antoine MEO, Christophe Nambotin e Cristobal Guerrero (E) ed è prossimo il rinnovo con Johnny Aubert. Lasceranno la squadra David Knight ed Eero Remes, mentre sembra ormai certo il ritorno di Ivan Cervantes che correrà nella E3.

Husaberg Il produttore svedese ha già rinnovato il contratto con il Campione del Mondo Junior, Mathias Bellino e con Oriol MENA (E) e ha esteso i contratti di Pierre-Alexandre Renet e Joakim Ljunggren. Il Team Manager Thomas Gustavsson è alla ricerca di un altro pilota per la classe Junior che potrebbe essere Mario Roman. Infine, circola ancora la notizia di Eero Remes in sella alla nuova FE 250 nella classe E1.

CH Racing L'otto volte campione del mondo Juha Salminen (SF) è ancora sotto contratto, mentre Matti Seistola è in "stand-by" e Alex Salvini è dato in partenza per il Team HM Honda. Persa anche la possibilità di avere Pela Renet, Fabrizio Azzalin ha deciso di puntare su Lorenzo Santolino e Thomas Oldrati. La squadra vorrebbe mantenere anche il francese Romain Dumontier.

Gas Gas Persi Ivan Cervantes e Ludivine Puy, il produttore catalano ha rinnovato con la spagnola Laia Sanz e con Sebastien Guillaume. Da parte sua, Rui Goncalves ha negato ogni possibile di arrivo nell'Enduro.

Sherco La squadra francese ha completato il suo organico con Fabien Planet e Jeremy Tarroux nel team ufficiale e Julien Gauthier e Anthony Boissiere con il Team Pulsion Moto.

ENGLISH NEWS -  Rumors of international transfers [EWC 2013]

Cervantes-KTM-Husaberg Román. Rumors of international transfers accrue October 10, 2012

A few weeks ago I anticipated the possible signings for 2013 of those who spoke at the World Enduro paddock every time is closer to the end of the season and the teams are closing ranks and retaining and expanding pilots possible signings. Ivan Cervantes, with many papers back to KTM, Husaberg possibly Mario Román, Oldrati in Husqvarna ... read on and discover the strong rumors that sound increasingly definitive.

Little more than ten days to go until the World Enduro with the French Grand Prix and the official teams speed to make it over the signings tied to their teams in 2013. The agreement not to close before the end of the world with men who have struggled and suffered no problems this season have resulted in the form of good results and optimum performance, you know that in 2013 you can not choose and you can not make up your squad more homogeneous in their aspirations for next season.


Fabio Farioli is redefining his team, unlike the failure of 2011, this year has won two of the world's major titles, E1 and E3, and still has a chance to opt pilot to victory in Enduro 2, as is Cristobal Guerrero. The Spanish and renewed midseason with the two reigning champions, Antoine Meo and Christophe Nambotin. Johnny Aubert against all the pools, which stood outside the enduro and closer to the world of rallying, it is confirmed that you are about to renew his contract with the Austrian brand.

"Pretty People talk today about my future, but not right now ... there is nothing great in the French GP hope poderos announce my decision!"

Everything seems finally closed in KTM Ivan Cervantes is back, running in Enduro 3

The news of David Knight is leaving the team and no firm offer could go to a private team? Kawasaki? or simply return to GNCC U.S. as it did in the past. When Finn Eero Remes uncertainty also round and it seems he will not Farioli 2013. But what interests us most is that the growing and intense rumor that Ivan Cervantes KTM to run again in Enduro 3 is really solid and it looks like things are already well advanced.

HM Honda:

The Italian team backed by Honda Europe, things seem clearer now. Franco Mayr, manager of the transalpine squad retains his compatriot Simone Albergoni after a brilliant and amazing season and is very interested in other Italian Alex Salvini, former motocross rider Enduro 2 could run in the 450. It also seems that the French champions of the ISDE 2012, Rodrig Thain, and therefore will not renew next season will not in the Italian structure.
After a brilliant season, albeit through injury, will follow in Simone Albergoni Honda HM


The Swedish manufacturer has renewed so far with the promise, and surprising rookie year Junior Enduro Champion Mathias Bellino 2012 and another year with the Spanish Oriol Mena. It has also extended the contract of Pela Renet, one of its greatest strengths and interim leader of the Enduro 2 championship and Swede Joakim Ljunggren, followed by a year with a brand that spent half his life, and accumulates two World Junior Enduro and want one at senior staff to showcase.

But the interesting thing is that Thomas Gustavsson, Swedish team manager is looking for another driver for the Junior category and that, possibly, is the spectacular and rapid Spanish rider Mario Roman. Finally, the location of Eero Remes in E1 running with the new Husaberg FE 250 is as yet uncertain.

Gas Gas:

A well-known place of Ivan Cervantes is joined by the competition director, Santi Navarro and the French Ludivine Puy. The Catalan manufacturer loses one of its best ambassadors with many titles already under his belt, but replaced by the eruption this year in the enduro seriously Laia Sanz, the terror of the category of women who continue in enduro racing team , trial and apparently also rallying. The veteran Sebastien Guillaume followed in Gas Gas, while Rui Gonçalves has denied passing the enduro and therefore joining the Girona factory equipment.

Husqvarna CH Racing:

The eight-time world champion Juha Salminen, still under contract and is key to a global team managed to Husqvarna in 2010 and seeking his ninth wound. In regard to Matti Seistola, their renewal is in "stand-by" yet this is confirmed and the progress of Alex Salvini to another Italian team as HM Honda to race in Enduro 2, is more than a reality.
Lorenzo Santolino Husqvarna CH Racing will continue on that will accompany his friend Thomas Oldrati

It seems that the team is in full rebuilding Varese and while Fabrizio Azzalin, its director, has the Salamanca Lorenzo Santolino by betting blindly for his third year among seniors, it seems that Romain Dumontier can go to his own private computer. The novelty is that in 2013 Thomas Oldrati enter, initially accepted the offer of "Azza" and remember summer left the ranks of the Bordone Ferrari team.

Serie A

Reputazione 137
Sesso: Maschio
Messaggi: 999

« Risposta #1 inserita:: 20 Novembre 2012, 13:09:24 »

Non è proprio sicuro di vedere encora Seb. Guillaume sulla moto... 
Eero Remes sulla TM / E1
In seguito ai problemi di soldi da Bordone Ferrari, Thomas Oldrati raggiunge Husaberg
Juliette Berrez dice addio a TM/France e ha commenciato allenarsi sulla Yamaha YZF  Incrociamo
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