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Autore Discussione: [GERMANIA] 4^5^ P. C. NAZ. ENDURO GERMANIA A GELANDEFAHRT BURG 9-10 AGOSTO 2014  (Letto 8088 volte)
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Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« inserita:: 10 Agosto 2014, 20:40:10 »





Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #1 inserita:: 13 Agosto 2014, 11:21:08 »





DEM Burg 2014 - No way led past Dennis Schröter!

The long wait is over! Finally boom in the German Enduro Championship again the motors. After a four and a half-month summer break, it was now doubly to the point, for in Saxon-Anhalt castle traditionally focused on two scoring days on the program. Finally, the event shone not necessarily through challenging trials and varied route guidance. But this year, the organizer has given utmost to offer the participants something new: In addition to an extra stretch, it was right at the start of round one completely redesigned special. This was it right to attend four times a day and was characterized by technically demanding sections of forest, smaller ditches and depressions, but also fast passages in the soft sand.

Edward Hübner is highly motivated come back from the summer break. After, in his view, unsatisfied season opener came in the only victory of the day in question. And so the KTM riders also acted. On the first day of riding he pulled right from the start its sovereign circles. With four fastest times in the back he made on the fifth test but blew it. "I had a brutal blow. I never really knew what was happening. My bike was a bit next to me in the bushes. Afterwards I was initially only once out of my rhythm out. Took me a bit to get back into river come. Nevertheless, it was enough to win, I'm happy ", the reigning German champions E1-beamed about his first win of the season DEM.

# 48 Edward Hübner

Second was the leader of the championship Derrick Gorner, which started in the first minute and always import first in the exams. "So I had a clear view and could choose my tracks as desired. Nevertheless, I did not come right to right. The special stages are to me, to my taste, too tight and 'hackig' staked, I prefer it round and smooth."

# 85 Derrick Gorner

Rank three days Christian Weiß went on the "classic" Husqvarna, who had to contend with some unwanted difficulties. "I had two laps problems with my rear brake. After half special of the pressure off took forever. Moreover, I had a violent rollover, which cost me a lot of time, but in which, fortunately, nothing more happened. Under these circumstances I am pretty happy with my result. "

Fourth was a guest driver Lucas Dolfing from Holland, before Jörg Haustein and the Swiss Jonathan horses.

On Sunday, a similar picture at the top. Edward Hübner dominated proceedings. All bests went to the KTM rider account. "It went well, although I was a bit too cramped in the morning.'s Why I'm in the championship not quite as far forward as yesterday. Nevertheless gives me the best overall time in the last test a lot of confidence for the next races."

Behind Husqvarna rider Derrick Gorner lined up again before Christian Weiß. In the meantime, Weiß was even before Goerner. But again, it was for him problems with the rear brake: "The second round was a disaster recovery, the pressure on the rear brake subsided I am also moved up to close to a tree and I have demolished my front brake lever so I signed up with... not all saved service. But well, but the placement is still okay. "

# 9 Christian Weiß

Behind the trio came this time the Swiss Jonathan horses in fourth place. He likes sand, but admits to be there just too slow. Fifth place as the day before, went to Jörg Haustein.

For the first time this year, Andreas Beier had to admit defeat. For the Husqvarna rider was enough this time "just" to second place, 7.70 seconds behind Davide scarce von Zitzewitz. "I have the first round completely overslept," said the terse statement of the league leaders, "also I have finally thrown away in the last inspection, when I again wanted to go all out attack by a fall victory." This therefore was the first day in KTM rider Davide von Zitzewitz. "At the beginning it was the same really good. During the second round I had a little hangover, because my services were rather mixed. Starting round three ran it back pretty neat. Unlike the season opener, I am this time the matter aggressively and with addressed more risk. "

# 114 Davide von Zitzewitz

The podium was completed by Sascha Meyhoff, which for the first time this year with athletic performance in phenomenon occurs. Nevertheless, the reigning champion is far from fit. "The disease of my tumor on the nose runs but more out than I thought. I joined just three weeks ago in training. Operation seam is still not completely healed, so I always have to spit blood during physical exertion. This is of course less beautiful, especially since it can happen that it black before my eyes is. I tried it again today, but if I'm going to start tomorrow, I decide after getting up. "

# 171 Sascha Meyhoff

Despite the great ones Einstieges the beta driver decided in favor of his health for a waiver start on Sunday. Whether he will be in three weeks in Waldkappel it, he was initially open.

On Sunday, the two fighting cocks of the previous day dueled at the top. Andreas Beier started this time more aggressive, went from the beginning to attack. "I did not make the same mistake as yesterday", the Husqvarna rider admitted openly. And thus designed an open slugfest for the victory. Hardly separated the two in a SP once more than two seconds. "I had before the last test 3.9 seconds ahead of Davide, since I already had some jitters. Luckily I was able to defend my position and take home the victory," said Andreas Beier was happy.

# 151 Andreas Beier

Davide however was slightly disappointed, after an exciting struggle to have to admit defeat but so scarce. "I was once a little unfocused, I made a small mistake and then it was," said his brief statement. Days Third place went to the Sweden Anton Nordh, before Mike Hartmann, who, as the day before, took the ungrateful fourth.

The first day was dominated by Dennis Schröter. On the morning of the Husqvarna rider was as excited as a little kid, as he himself admitted. But after the first test his tension seemed to be completely gone. With a fabulous time, he laid the first crucial seconds between himself and his rival Marcus Kehr duration. And even if all other tests Dennis Schröter could reach no water. With seven best times and a superior lead of nearly 50 seconds he secured against Marcus Kehr the E3 class win. "It was very positive today, I have made no mistakes and the many training with the 300 has now paid in full", the Husqvarna rider was pleased on Saturday night.

# 257 Dennis Schröter

For Marcus Kehr it was however more mixed. DC in the second examination underwent him a serious mistake, which cost a lot of time. "I'm bent accidentally in the sand pit in a track from the previous year. First it was for me all the way down, then turn around and back up. Very annoying, because it really tasted a lot of time", the Sherco rider waved disappointed.

# 226 Marcus Kehr

Third day was Wesley Pittens, a sand specialist from the Netherlands, but which is not included in the DEM score, because he was with a Dutch license at the start. So Björn Feldt inherited the points for third place, which could become successful against Jan Shepherd and Marco Neubert.

Also on the second day was again Dennis Schröter the determining man, though not quite as dominant as the previous day. At the end of his lead with 26.55 seconds was still quite clear. "It went perfectly, yet I this day has shown that with Marcus to be expected always. Today I had not a comforting lead, as I was really loving. During the last test I also have taken a soil sample, what it additionally exciting again made ​​at the end. "

Thus it was for the reigning champions on the back Sherco rank two. And in third place, there were no changes to the previous day, because this went again to Wesley Pittens from Holland. Fourth place secured once Björn Feldt on KTM.

# 261 Wesley Pittens

German Enduro Junior World Cup
Net of the examination times would Roland Diepoldsberg decided the first day of driving for themselves. But on the stage, he got lost, conceding minutes and slipped back so. Thus, the victory went to Paul Rossbach, before Philipp Müller and Yannick Mosch. On the second day Diepoldsberg underwent on the track then no more mistakes and in the special he sat again impressive accents. His just reward in the afternoon, the first victory in the German Enduro Junior World Cup. The podium was completed by Paul Rossbach and Yannick Mosch.

# 639 Roland Diepoldsberg

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