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Autore Discussione: [ROMANIA] REDBULL ROMANIACS 2013 A SIBIU 2-6 LUGLIO 2013  (Letto 6716 volte)
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Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« inserita:: 10 Luglio 2013, 12:34:57 »






Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #1 inserita:: 10 Luglio 2013, 12:46:03 »


Paul Bolton wins Red Bull Romaniacs Prologue
By Robert Lynn on 3 July 2013 in Enduro

Paul Bolton took first blood at the Red Bull Romaniacs by winning the Prologue.

In front of fifteen thousand spectators, Paul Bolton held off Jonny Walker for the win with Ben Hemingway placing third on the Red Bull Romaniacs Prologue Stage.

Grabbing the holeshot, Walker held an early lead as chaos ensued behind him. With the first tree stump section catching the majority of the forty-one riders out, both Bolton and Walker gained a slight advantage over the chasing pack.

With the pairing swapping positions numerous times throughout the fifteen-minute race, they kept the legions of Hard Enduro fans on their toes. Entering the final lap, Walker looked to have the edge on his fellow KTM rider until Bolton yet again fought back. Reeling in Walker, he pushed his way to the front and crossed the finish line victorious.

“That was a crazy race,” commented Bolton moments after taking the chequered flag. “One minute I was leading, the next it was Walker. At one stage I held a decent gap over him but then I crashed in the tree stump section – it was lethal. Every lap there was riders stuck everywhere.

“On the final lap I just went for it. I gave it everything I had and managed to take the lead. Entering the final few sections I hung on as best I could and got the win.”

Despite holding the lead throughout the majority of the race, Walker was still happy to end his night on the podium.

“That was a great race,” told Walker. “It was crazy. The sections were really tough and they caught everybody out. I was lucky not to make too many mistakes. Bolton and myself were riding really good. One lap he’d take the lead but then I was able to pass him back.

“I did my best to win but I made one mistake on the final lap and that was enough to lose the race. But second is a great start to the week. I’m excited for the rest of the race.”

Completing the British 1-2-3 in Sibiu, Ben Hemingway fought his way through the carnage to take third.

“I’m really happy to have finished on the podium,” commented Hemingway. “My start was rubbish and I didn’t actually know what position I was in. All race I kept plugging away and managed to pass riders every lap. It wasn’t until I came over the finish line that I was told I finished on the podium.”

Graham Jarvis and Alfredo Gomez completed the top five.

Results – Red Bull Romaniacs Prologue

1. Paul Bolton (KTM); 2. Jonny Walker (KTM); 3. Ben Hemingway (Beta); 4. Graham Jarvis (Husaberg); 5. Alfredo Gomez (Husaberg).


Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #2 inserita:: 10 Luglio 2013, 12:49:26 »


Jarvis leads them home on Day One in Sibiu

By Robert Lynn on 4 July 2013 in Enduro

Graham Jarvis got down to business and won Day One of the Red Bull Romaniacs.

On what was the first true day of racing at the Red Bull Romaniacs, Graham Jarvis left his rivals in his wake to take a commanding victory.

Starting day one’s stage fourth, Jarvis got the bit between his teeth and pushed hard to reel his competitors in. Facing an eleven-minute deficit to Paul Bolton - who opened the stage – Jarvis worked his way to the front of the field and took control of the race led before reaching the service check.

Despite the intense heat and incredibly difficult trails, Jarvis was in his element as he easily distanced himself from everyone else. Ending the 131km long day over thirty minutes clear, Jarvis was pleased with his day’s work.

“That was a tough day,” told Jarvis. “The organisers said day one would be hard and they didn’t lie. Honestly, it’s been one of the hardest days that I remember riding for quite a while. At one point I needed to call for help just to get up the hill.

“But I’m more than pleased with how it’s gone. Starting fourth I knew I had a bit of work to do but I got down to business straight away and managed to win. I couldn’t have asked for a better result today.”

As the ninth rider to start the stage, Andreas Lettenbichler charged hard to end day one as runner-up to Jarvis. Catching up to Alfredo Gomez, the duo swapped positions in the latter part of the race as they battled their way to chequered flag. Re-passing Gomez just five kilometres from the finish line, Lettenbichler took second.

“It was a tough day but it was a good one,” confirmed Lettenbichler. “The first part of the race was quite fast and flowing and I steadily worked my way forwards. But after the fuel service the difficulty level was turned up a couple of notches. At one point I needed to lay my bike on it’s side and slide down a hill.

“Towards the end of the day I had a good fight with Gomez. He passed me on the final section ‘Bad Shape’ but I was able to pass him back on the run to the flag and take second.”

Impressing everyone in what’s his debut ride at the Red Bull Romaniacs, Alfredo Gomez ended day one in third.

“It was a good race,” commented Gomez. “This was my very first day of the Red Bull Romaniacs so I’m more than happy to have finished third today.”

Enjoying a steady race, Ben Hemingway controlled his position throughout the day. Holding off a late attack by Walker, Hemingway beat Walker to the top of the notorious ‘Bad Shape’ and hung on to finish fourth.

Starting fast, Jonny Walker ran into numerous problems and slipped back down the running order. Crashing heavily and then running out of fuel five minutes from the service check, he eventually recovered to place fifth.

Day one pushed everyone to their absolute limits. Of the forty Pro class riders only eight are classified with finishing day one. Day two will see riders leave Sibiu and head for the overnight stop in Petrosani.


Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #3 inserita:: 10 Luglio 2013, 12:55:26 »


Walker fights back to win Day Two in Romania

By Robert Lynn on 5 July 2013 in Enduro

British rider Jonny Walker takes Day Two spoils at Red Bull Romaniacs.

After his drama filled day one at the Red Bull Romaniacs, Jonny Walker was back on top form to win the second day. Alfredo Gomez and Andreas Lettenbichler followed him home for second and third place. Graham Jarvis ended day two in fifth but maintains the overall lead in the race.

With event organisers scaling back the level of difficulty on day two compared to the hardship that was dished out on day one, the second day of racing – that took riders from Sibiu to nearby Petrosani - was faster than the previous day.

Determined to make amends for his misfortune on day one when he ran out of fuel midway through the day, Walker began day two intent on making up for lost time. Finding the conditions exactly to his liking, he attacked hard from the outset. Catching up to Lettenbichler, who started second on the road, and then overtaking Alfredo Gomez after the service check, Walker did enough to take the win on corrected time.

“Day one was a bit of a disaster for me and today I wanted to try and set things right,” remarked Walker. “I felt good straight away and made no mistakes on navigation. The course was really fun to ride. There were lots of fast flowing sections mixed in with some technical bits and that seemed to suit me.

“I’m happy to have come away with the win. And although I’m still a long way behind Jarvis in the overall classification my result has helped me close in on the podium. There’s two more days of racing left so I’ll be riding flat out to try and improve.”

Riding with Walker for the second half of the day, Gomez improved on his previous day’s result of third to place as the runner-up on day two. The Spaniard’s consistency - despite his lack of experience in the Red Bull Romaniacs - moves him up to second position in the overall classification.

Losing his kick starter during the final hour of racing, Lettenbichler still ended his day in third.

“I don’t know when the kick starter fell off,” laughed Lettenbichler. “I think it happened during the last hour but luckily I didn’t need it. After I messed up the river crossing this morning I managed to stay on two wheels for most of the day and did enough to finish third. I’m pleased with how I rode - everything is going well.”

Paul Bolton edged out Jarvis for fourth place by just twenty seconds after six hours of racing. Ending his day fifth, Jarvis still maintained control of the race lead despite a couple of errors on day two.

“It’s been an okay day for me,” commented Jarvis. “I made a lot of mistakes during the morning and that cost me some time. The track was a lot faster today and that made it difficult to gain time back. But my lead is still safe. Hopefully things go a little smoother tomorrow and I can win again.”

Day three – the penultimate day of racing – will see competitors start in Petrosani and race back to Sibiu.


Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #4 inserita:: 10 Luglio 2013, 13:17:11 »


Jarvis tops Red Bull Romaniacs Day Three

By Robert Lynn on 6 July 2013

The British rider continues to lead in Romania as Jonny Walker resolves to push for the podium.

Graham Jarvis took his second stage win of the week with victory on Day Three at the Red Bull Romaniacs.

Placing four minutes clear of runner-up Jonny Walker, Jarvis made short work of a rainy Day Three to extend his lead in the race. With just one day left to ride and a healthy advantage at the top of the standings, the Brit looks almost assured of his fourth Red Bull Romaniacs win.

“I felt comfortable all day,” said Jarvis at the finish of the stage in Sibiu. “It was a hard day. The terrain was quite rough and there were a couple of sections we had to push up after the service check."
Graham Jarvis Romaniacs Go Pro footage © Pedrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool

“I’m getting closer to win number four," Jarvis added, "but I don’t feel like I’ve got it in the bag just yet. Day Four might be the last stage of the race but there’s talk that it could be the hardest one yet. If there’s more rain tomorrow like there was today then anything could happen. I’ll be pushing hard to win – it’s too risky to ride cautious.”

Opening the stage on Day Three, Jonny Walker fought hard in an effort to claim a second win. But with Jarvis matching his pace in the morning and then upping it in the afternoon, Walker finished four minutes behind his rival on corrected time.

“I’ve had a good day and didn’t make too many mistakes,” said a pleased Walker. “My only problem was when I got a branch caught in my rear wheel. It took a few minutes to get it out.

“I would like to have won again but Jarvis just beat me to it. But I’m getting closer to my goal of a podium result. I need to find about three minutes on Andreas Lettenbichler to take third so I’ll be riding at my maximum tomorrow.”

Claiming his third consecutive top three result, Alfredo Gomez ended Day Three nineteen minutes behind Walker to place third. He still hangs on to second overall in the race but has let his advantage over Walker slip to twelve minutes.

Paul Bolton sandwiched himself between Gomez and fifth placed Lettenbichler to take fourth.

“I’m disappointed with how I rode today,” commented Bolton. “I kept crashing in stupid places. I don’t know why but I found it hard to get a good rhythm going. Despite my bad luck I still came home fourth.”

Enduring a difficult day, Lettenbichler completed the top five. Struggling with some overheating issues, the German will need to push hard on the final day to beat a determined Walker for the final step of the podium.

The 2013 Red Bull Romaniacs concludes with the fourth and final day of racing on July 6th.


Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #5 inserita:: 10 Luglio 2013, 13:18:05 »

Jarvis Takes Fourth Red Bull Romaniacs Win

By Robert Lynn on 7 July 2013 in Enduro

Graham Jarvis makes history by winning this year’s Red Bull Romaniacs.

Winning the fourth and final day of racing at the Red Bull Romaniacs, Graham Jarvis cemented himself as the most successful rider in the ten-year history of the event by collecting his fourth victory.

Going into the final day of racing with a healthy lead, Jarvis looked almost assured of the win. But knowing that anything can happen in Hard Enduro, the Brit maintained his unrelenting pace. Setting off first on the road, Jarvis stayed out front for the entire day. Entering the finishing arena in Dealul Gușteriței, the Husaberg rider breezed his way up the near vertical hill climb before riding into the winner’s enclosure as this year’s Red Bull Romaniacs’ champion.

“It feels incredible to have won the Red Bull Romaniacs four times,” confirmed Jarvis after the podium celebrations. “It’s been a tough week but I’m so glad to have won.

“Overall everything’s went well – it’s pretty much gone to plan. Getting that big lead on day one really helped a lot and I knew then I could win. But I tried not to think about it too much. In this race anything can happen so I pushed hard every day. The only time I eased off was after the final service check today - I felt that I’d done enough to win. Getting this fourth victory means a lot."

Chasing his teammate home for second position, Alfredo Gomez ended his week as runner-up to Jarvis. Despite never having previously contested the race, Gomez impressed each day. Never faltering outside of the top three, the Spaniard held off Andreas Lettenbichler by over six minutes to finish second.

“This race has gone way better than I could ever have imagined,” told Gomez. “I came here hoping for a top five result but to finish second is amazing.

“I knew the fight for the podium would be difficult. I didn’t have too much of a lead over Lettenbichler. I was a bit nervous because of that and I made a lot of mistakes. In the afternoon I began to settle and found a good rhythm. Ending the race on the second step of the podium in fantastic.”

Continuing to maintain his run of podium results at the Red Bull Romaniacs, Lettenbichler ended day four in third to join Jarvis and Gomez on the podium.

“Overall it’s been a great week for me,” commented Lettenbichler. “I knew coming into today that it was still anybody’s race for the podium. During the morning I suffered some more cooling fan issues and I wasn’t able to fix it until the service check. That tightened things up between Jonny Walker and myself so I pushed hard in the afternoon. I rode the final thirty kilometres flat out and took some big risks but thankfully it all paid off – I’m very happy.”

Knowing that there was still an opportunity to finish on the podium, Walker attacked hard from the word go. Gaining time on Gomez and Lettenbichler, he almost stole third position. But a navigation error slowed his progress and Walker was forced to settle for fourth.

Delivering another solid result, Paul Bolton ended day four in fourth place to complete the top five in the overall classification.

Final overall results
1, Graham Jarvis, UK, Husaberg, 23 hours 46 minutes 55 seconds
2, Alfredo Gomez, Spain, Husaberg, 24:32:21
3, Andreas Lettenbichler, Germany, Husqvarna, 24:46:57
4, Jonny Walker, Britain, KTM, 24:50:46
5, Paul Bolton, Britain, KTM, 26:01:54
6, Chris Birch New Zealand, KTM, 26:05:26
7, Ben Hemingway, Britain, Beta, 26:42:26
8, Philipp Scholz, Germany, KTM, 32:02:41
9, Lars Enoeckl, Austria, KTM, 32:06:36
10, Wade Young, South Africa, Husaberg, 32:10:37


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