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Autore Discussione: FINALE CAMPIONATO EUROPEO XCC 2012 AD ATTIMIS (UD) 20-21 OTTOBRE 2012  (Letto 17676 volte)
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Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« inserita:: 06 Settembre 2012, 15:11:44 »

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Uscita Udine Nord della A23
Proseguire seguendo le indicazioni TARVISIO
Una volta presa la tangenziale, proseguire per circa 2 km quindi, allo svincolo, continuare dritti in direzione CIVIDALE-POVOLETTO
Dopo circa 4 km alla rotatoria, prendere a sinistra in direzione CIVIDALE – POVOLETTO
Passare il ponte sul fiume Torre
Alla rotatoria dopo il ponte, seguire le indicazioni POVOLETTO
Si entra subito nel paese SALT di POVOLETTO
Dopo circa 400mt girare a sinistra al secondo incrocio direzione MARSURE-MAGREDIS
Proseguire per questa strada per circa 2 km fino a entrare nel paese di MARSURE DI SOTTO e superarlo andando in direzione MAGREDIS
Arrivati in questo paese tenere la sinistra in direzione ATTIMIS
Proseguire nel paese per circa 500mt e quindi svoltare a destra in direzione RACCHIUSO.
Proseguire su questa strada per circa 3 km quindi si arriva a RACCHIUSO
Arrivati all’incrocio del paese, svoltare a sinistra in direzione ATTIMIS
Proseguire per circa 200mt quindi svoltare a sinistra in via PIETRO MICCA.
Proseguire fino in fondo alla via che termina di fronte alla OVERCROSS ARENA.
Dall’uscita di Udine Nord dell’autostrada ci vogliono circa 20 minuti.


Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #1 inserita:: 23 Ottobre 2012, 16:27:30 »


More than 200 competitors from five nations had competed at the international final run of the XCC to fighten for the title of European Champion Cross Country. The "Over Cross Arena" in Italian Attimis offered the perfect setting for the event. On a former military base put the local club an extremely challenging round of the many drivers demanded everything.

xcc 2

The track design in the classic enduro style was primarily a response to the many who had traveled Austrians. The ACC is down on comparable routes, while the Italians their "home advantage" is not playing off. Are they there yet accustomed, cross country practice almost in pure motocross style. The many German drivers at the start were surprised by the challenging track. But along with the great weather that prevailed throughout the race weekend, the course made for a great atmosphere among the participants.

On Saturday, the first time the game started then Childs in a European final. 20 of the wild boys were at the start and in both classes, the German driver to get the victory. When WCS 1, so the little ones, Ruben Schmid from MSC Wieslauf won with a lap ahead of Titian Mey. In the WCS 2 is delivered Leon Dörzbacher a hot fight with the Italian Francesco Giusti. Leon could then sit by and took the win with just over 40 seconds to spare.

Then after the quads were at the start. Unfortunately, the starting field was very weak reception here as just this weekend in Italy, two other very well-known quad races were scheduled. In the Quad Pro could rest Sandy Schulze actually, he was named as the only driver. He took up the sport, however, and tried everything to get in this race against Marko Jager to sit through. Marko started as reigning German Cross Country Champion in the sport quad B and as reigning Slovenian Cross Country Champion in the ATV world. The track played Marko and his CanAm ATV to the far better cards and so Sandy Schulze had on his Kawasaki Sport Quad leave the race victory to Marko. The victory in the Quadsport B went to Austria to David Freidinger.

xcc 1

On Sunday the full starting fields were announced. The first round on Sunday buried in addition to the already quite selective routing is another challenge for the drivers. Although the entire weekend was perfect weather, up to 3 days before the event there were some torrential rain locally. Corresponding parts of the track were still very muddy and slippery. This mainly Beginners had to fight hard in the opening laps. The victories in the various classes were very mixed at this time the participating nations. Once at the quads already went one class to Slovenia to Austria and Germany, in the junior brought the Italians the laurels home. With Nicola and Alessandro Garlatti Minisini the Italian team won almost here places 1 and 2 Paola Riverditi secured in the women's another title for the Italian hosts.

In Class C Sport secured Franz Allerberger the title for Germany. No way could the competition also Konrad Schneider at the Super Seniors. After a moderate start and a fall in Round 1, he worked his way quickly through the field to the front and took the victory not only for the super seniors, but also the first race victory in passage
xcc 3
In the second round, we went right to the point. The top classes of Cross Country Championship were at the start and the track was dry but now almost complete, but by the previous runs and completely bombed.
In the pre seniors there was a fight between Antonio Rigoni (I) and Frank Mey (D), the Antonio could then decide for themselves. In the XC Sport A contrast was Jens Schreiber of TM Racing Germany are the competition, securing clear title. Experts played among the Austrians their experience in rough terrain from fully and Walter Feichtinger-Muehlbauer pointed Daniel White and Phillip Storz to places 2 and3.

In the premier class, the XC Pro were then already all excited to see how the driver can set against the favorite, Joseph Kulhavy of Team Zupin motorsport through. For a real surprise this caused the Italians Diego Nicoletti. He could not just stay long at the rear of Kulhavy, but took Joseph's teammates, Christian White from even the second position. The aim Diego had then just half a minute behind. Kulhavy and on a good three minutes ahead of Christian White Only at positions 4 and 5 followed with Florian Hall Brechter and Mario Hirschmuggl two Austrians. These had with Patrick Neisser actually cancel a hot potato in the fire, but this was at the beginning of the race, a crash and had to retire.

All in all Attimis was a grand finale for the European Cross Country season 2012. While in Italy, the 2013 season is scheduled late in the winter, it's already been in Austria in the home stretch. Here is under new management by the team Rameis that was already in Attimis site, the 2013 season just on the legs. In Germany, the 2013 season is already and enrollment is open.

Thus, it is clear now that in 2013 Europe again to indulge the many Active Cross Country Sport.


Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #2 inserita:: 26 Ottobre 2012, 10:57:30 »

(Testo e foto di Cristiano Morello)

Ad Attimis la scorsa domenica, grazie all’impegno degli uomini del MC OverCross, si è svolta la finale dell’Europeo Cross Country e per la prima volta l’Italia ha ospitato questa manifestazione e molti piloti italiani e stranieri hanno partecipato alla gara registrando circa duecento iscritti. Motivo di orgoglio perché è stato premiata la location e l’impegno che Marco Perego sta portando avanti con il nostro Italian Cross Country grazie anche alla collaborazione di molti sponsor di settore e non, come per esempio Bayer, la famosa casa farmaceutica, e One Day Sport. Presente anche il grande guru della Baboons Jens Zimmerman.

La manifestazione ha avuto un ottimo seguito e percorso e l’unico neo sono state, non per colpa organizzativa, le condizioni del terreno troppo fangoso al mattino, a causa delle piogge dei giorni precedenti, e dopo una giornata di sole e di gara, troppo bucata e ancora fangosa al pomeriggio. Il percorso di circa otto chilometri è stato realizzato all’interno di un ex polveriera militare e di stampo enduristico, di conseguenza poco adatto per chi pratica solitamente motocross.

Però i circa duecento piloti partecipanti hanno sofferto, ma si sono divertiti a girare nel sottobosco di Attimis.

Veniamo ai campioni nella categoria Pro: si è laureato campione Josef Kulhavy in sella ad un’Husqvarna, nettamente più forte di tutta la concorrenza; al secondo posto il suo compagno di squadra Christian Weib sempre su Husqvarna, mentre completa il podio finale Duccio Graziani del Team Bardhal, che ha corso la finale e l’Italiano Cross Country con una Suzuki 125.

Ad Attimis il pilota toscano non è riuscito ad andare oltre il settimo posto pur essendo partito in testa, ma al secondo giro una brutta caduta ha estromesso Duccio dalla lotta per il titolo finale.

Da registrare la splendida prova di Diego Nicoletti, Beta Motors, che ha tenuto testa al tedesco Kulhavy per tutta la gara, ma che alla fine è arrivato secondo nella finale dell’Europeo.

Nella classe Expert registriamo il secondo posto finale di Stefano Valsecchi, nella Sport A invece i nostri Diego Pederiva e Michele Dal Pezzo hanno sfiorato l’impresa e per pochi punti non hanno vinto il titolo nella loro categoria. Fotocopia anche per le classi Sport B e Sport C, nella prima Andrea Corsini e Stefano Lencioni si sono inchinati allo strapotere del tedesco Tim Apolle, mentre nella Sport C Guido Pierangioli giunge secondo. Terzo è Dario Morelli. Le classi che i nostri piloti hanno conquistato sono le seguenti: nella Junior con Nicola Garlatti, secondo Alessandro Minisini. Nella classe Pre-Senior con l’over quaranta, ma con tanta esperienza e manetta alle spalle, Antonio Rigoni, il pilota veneto ha partecipato ad un mondiale classe 125 negli Anni ’90.

Secondo posto nella classe Pre-Senior per Romano Fontana. Nella Beginners con Francesco Freschi e secondo posto per Mirko Pieruccioni. La classe Woman con Paola Riverditi che conquista la gara e ottimo secondo posto in gara per Francesco Giusti nella classe cadetti.
Splendida chiusura di stagione quindi per l'XCC Italian Cross Country 2012 e un arrivederci alla prossima stagione.

Ranking   Number    CC Number   Time  Name   Team    Bike          Laps     
1    3   GCC-12-1005    02:00:02,256 Kulhavy, Josef   ZUPIN Moto-Sport   Husqvarna    17 Lap(s)
2    15      02:00:39,229 Nicoletti, Diego   Motoclub SCHIO OFF ROAD   Beta    17 Lap(s)
3    4   GCC-12-1008    02:04:13,064 Weiß, Christian   Team Zupin Husqvarna   Husqvarna    17 Lap(s)
4    8   ACC-12-1017    02:06:03,560 Salbrechter, Florian   x-moto Husaberg   Husaberg    17 Lap(s)
5    6   ACC-12-1009    02:07:26,026 Hirschmugl, Mario   Team KTM Euro Motors   KTM    17 Lap(s)
6    14      02:01:03,826 Stránský, Vít      KTM    15 Lap(s)
7    2   ICC-12-1002    02:03:52,360 Graziani, Duccio   Team Bardahl Smr   Suzuki    15 Lap(s)
8    9   ACC-12-1016    02:08:07,405 Ederer, Edi /   KTM    15 Lap(s)
9    7   ICC-12-1004    02:04:25,454 CRIVELLARI, Denis   Denismoto   KTM    14 Lap(s)
10    17      00:59:50,107 Cecchetto, Raffaele      Suzuki    7 Lap(s)
11    1   ICC-12-1003    00:54:20,297 Tronconi, Andrea   Doppio pannolino racing team   Yamaha    6 Lap(s)
12    10   ACC-12-1010    00:20:36,848  Neisser, Patrick   Kawasaki Team Damianik   Kawasaki    3 Lap(s)

EUROPEAN CROSS-COUNTRY Meisterschaftsstand 2012

Platz   Fahrer-Nr.   Kl.  Vorname   Nachname   Team   Pkt.   Streich   Pkt. Ges.   Schnitt   Pkt.   Punkte   Klassen-   Pkt. Ges.
XCC   XCC   XCC   (1)   Endlauf   ECC (2)   faktor   ECC (3)

1   GCC-12-1005   1   Josef   Kulhavy   ZUPIN Moto-Sport   145   0   145   24,17   30   42,08   1,5   63,12

2   GCC-12-1008   1   Christian   Weiß   Team Zupin Husqvarna   125   0   125   20,83   25   35,42   1,5   53,13

3   ICC-12-1002   1   DUCCIO   GRAZIANI   TEAM BARDAHL SMR   150   0   150   30,00   19   34,00   1,5   51,00

4   ACC-12-1017   1   Florian   Salbrechter   x-moto Husaberg   78   0   78   19,50   22   31,75   1,5   47,62

5   ACC-12-1009   1   Mario   Hirschmugl   Team KTM Euro Motors   87   0   87   21,75   20   30,88   1,5   46,32

6   ACC-12-1016   1   Edi   Ederer /   64   0   64   16,00   18   26,00   1,5   39,00

7   ICC-12-1004   1   Denis   CRIVELLARI   Denismoto   85   0   85   17,00   17   25,50   1,5   38,25

8   ICC-12-1003   1   Andrea   Tronconi   Doppio pannolino racing team   160   0   160   32,00   0   16,00   1,5   24,00

9   ACC-12-1015   1   Seppi   Fally   Kawasaki Team Damianik   115   0   115   28,75   14,38   1,5   21,57

10   ACC-12-1010   1   Patrick   Neisser   Kawasaki Team Damianik   119   -20   99   24,75   0   12,38   1,5   18,57

11   ACC-12-1008   1   Bernhard   Walzer   TEAM KTM WALZER   115   -18   97   24,25   12,12   1,5   18,18

12   ICC-12-1001   1   Alex   Paccioretti   TEAM BARDAHL SMR   104   0   104   20,80   10,40   1,5   15,60

13   GCC-12-1013   1   Bert   Meyer   KTM-Feist Rochlitz   121   0   121   20,17   10,09   1,5   15,14

14   GCC-12-1002   1   Kevin   Zdon   Kawasaki Elf Team Pfeil   138   -18   120   20,00   10,00   1,5   15,00

15   ACC-12-1003   1   Hermann   Friedl   RS Schalko   70   0   70   17,50   8,75   1,5   13,12

16   GCC-12-1014   1   Michael   Herrmann   Team Zupin-Husqvarna   103   0   103   17,17   8,59   1,5   12,88

17   GCC-12-1009   1   Sascha   Eckert   TM-Racing Germany   95   0   95   15,83   7,92   1,5   11,88

18   GCC-12-1006   1   Mike   Hartmann   HUSABERG XCC Team   70   0   70   11,67   5,84   1,5   8,76

19   GCC-12-1019   1   Cory   Nemeth   Scott KTM Racing Team   60   0   60   10,00   5,00   1,5   7,50

20   ACC-12-1007   1   Rudi   Pöschl   Husaberg Rameis Racing   36   0   36   9,00   4,50   1,5   6,75

21   GCC-12-1007   1   Roel   Geurts   team Engel   50   0   50   8,33   4,16   1,5   6,24

22   GCC-12-1020   1   Chris   Gundermann   Honda Meyer Racing   47   0   47   7,83   3,92   1,5   5,88

23   GCC-12-1010   1   Dennis   Schröter   Team Zupin Husvarna   44   0   44   7,33   3,66   1,5   5,49

24   GCC-12-1018   1   Hans   Vogels   Husaberg XCC Team   38   0   38   6,33   3,16   1,5   4,74

25   ACC-12-1012   1   Werner   Müller   Kärnten Team Helohaus   25   0   25   6,25   3,12   1,5   4,68

26   GCC-12-1015   1   Lars   Petri   KTM Sarholz Racing Team   32   0   32   5,33   2,66   1,5   3,99

27   GCC-12-1012   1   Maria   Franke   Kawasaki Pfeil   30   0   30   5,00   2,50   1,5   3,75

28   ACC-12-1001   1   Marco   Orlandi   Richis Checkpoint-EnduroTeamTirol   18   0   18   4,50   2,25   1,5   3,38

28   ACC-12-1005   1   Mattias   Fält   RTS Schalchen   18   0   18   4,50   2,25   1,5   3,38

30   ACC-12-1006   1   Daniel   Stocker   RT 2-Rad Lenz Rottenmann   16   0   16   4,00   2,00   1,5   3,00

30   ACC-12-1011   1   Stefan   Simpson   RTS Schalchen   16   0   16   4,00   2,00   1,5   3,00

32   ACC-12-1004   1   Matthias   Wibmer   TEAM KTM WALZER   15   0   15   3,75   1,88   1,5   2,82

33   ACC-12-1002   1   Sven   Steinberger   MSC - MATTIGHOFEN   13   0   13   3,25   1,62   1,5   2,43

34   ACC-12-1013   1   Peter   Degen   E.A.R.T Enduro Austria Racing Team/Husaber   12   0   12   3,00   1,50   1,5   2,25

34   GCC-12-1017   1   Valtteri   Salonen   Vetomies TM Racing   18   0   18   3,00   1,50   1,5   2,25

36   GCC-12-1001   1   Michel   Arnold   Team-Bombe-Racing   13   0   13   2,17   1,08   1,5   1,62


Reputazione 11807
Messaggi: 16742

WWW Oscar
« Risposta #3 inserita:: 26 Ottobre 2012, 15:23:00 »

EUROPEAN CROSS-COUNTRY Meisterschaftsstand 2012

Platz   Fahrer-Nr.   Kl.  Vorname   Nachname   Team   Pkt.   Streich   Pkt. Ges.   Schnitt   Pkt.   Punkte   Klassen-   Pkt. Ges.
XCC   XCC   XCC   (1)   Endlauf   ECC (2)   faktor   ECC (3)

1   ACC-12-2002   2   Walter   Feichtinger-Mühlbauer   MSC Mattighofen   145   -25   120   30,00   30   45,00   1,3   58,50

2   ICC-12-2004   2   Stefano   Valsecchi   team MTG RACING   180   0   180   36,00   19   37,00   1,3   48,10

3   GCC-12-2008   2   Philipp   Storz   MSC Walldorf / Team Parthen   162   0   162   27,00   22   35,50   1,3   46,15

4   GCC-12-2016   2   Daniel   Weiß   bsn - Racing Team / Motorrad Taf   108   0   108   18,00   25   34,00   1,3   44,20

5   ICC-12-2003   2   Alan   Bonafini   T2R CORSE   177   -22   155   31,00   14   29,50   1,3   38,35

6   ACC-12-2003   2   Michael   Feichtinger-Mühlbauer   MSC Mattighofen   47   0   47   11,75   20   25,88   1,3   33,64

7   ICC-12-2001   2   Alessandro   Daverio   Giunta factory racing   79   0   79   15,80   15   22,90   1,3   29,77

8   GCC-12-2015   2   Michael   Kotschenreuther   TM-Racing Germany   65   0   65   10,83   16   21,42   1,3   27,85

9   ACC-12-2007   2   Marcel   Krimbacher   Hsv-Endurosport   64   0   64   16,00   13   21,00   1,3   27,30

10   ACC-12-2015   2   Stefan   Riepl   MSC Griffen Zweirad-Höfferer   84   -13   71   17,75   12   20,88   1,3   27,14

11   GCC-12-2041   2   Stanislav   Karovic   team:  KAROVIC   20   0   20   3,33   18   19,66   1,3   25,56

12   ACC-12-2004   2   Sandro   Petschounig   team ktm walzer   21   0   21   5,25   17   19,62   1,3   25,51

13   ICC-12-2005   2   FABIO   MUGNAI   TEAM BARDAHL SMR   149   -18   131   26,20   13,10   1,3   17,03

14   ACC-12-2011   2   Lukas   Wimmer   hsv-endurosport/ MSC Maria Alm   85   0   85   21,25   10,62   1,3   13,81

15   GCC-12-2012   2   Markus   Röhrig   MPS Racing Team   141   -17   124   20,67   10,34   1,3   13,44

16   GCC-12-2018   2   Jan   Froede   KTM Körber Offroad-Racing/ MSC Schefflenz   126   -13   113   18,83   9,41   1,3   12,23

17   ICC-12-2007   2   Alessandro   Dalle Carbonare   MotoClub Schio OffRoad   91   0   91   18,20   9,10   1,3   11,83

18   ACC-12-2010   2   Phillipp   Indlekofer   MX Racing Team Damböck   85   -13   72   18,00   9,00   1,3   11,70

19   ACC-12-2013   2   Josef   Fischbacher   69   0   69   17,25   8,62   1,3   11,21

20   ACC-12-2018   2   Gerhard   ZÖHRER   Team ZÖHRER   79   -13   66   16,50   8,25   1,3   10,72

21   ACC-12-2012   2   Wolfgang   Leitgeb   MX-FANCLUB KAPFENSTEIN   77   -12   65   16,25   8,12   1,3   10,56

22   GCC-12-2021   2   Maximlian   Koubik   KRP Motocross Team   97   0   97   16,17   8,09   1,3   10,52

23   GCC-12-2022   2   Michael   Röhrl   MSC Aischgrund e.V. im ADAC / ADAC TEA   93   0   93   15,50   7,75   1,3   10,08

24   GCC-12-2026   2   Marc   Töppel   Kawasaki ELF Team Pfeil / Stanke Racing   91   0   91   15,17   7,58   1,3   9,85

25   GCC-12-2030   2   Tillmann   Pusch   MX Speed Team Schön   89   0   89   14,83   7,42   1,3   9,65

26   ACC-12-2017   2   Michael   Liendl   Yamaha Klug Graz   59   0   59   14,75   7,38   1,3   9,59

27   ACC-12-2008   2   Patrick   Glettler   GLETTLER  / Bikepoint   58   0   58   14,50   7,25   1,3   9,43

28   ACC-12-2001   2   Bernhard   Schöpf   KTM Wolf Imst-EnduroTeamTirol   55   0   55   13,75   6,88   1,3   8,94

29   GCC-12-2005   2   Alexander   Heu   TM Racing Gindert Race n`Fun   79   0   79   13,17   6,58   1,3   8,55

30   GCC-12-2031   2   Tobias   Gnann   69   0   69   11,50   5,75   1,3   7,48

30   GCC-12-2006   2   Philipp   Müller   MSC Pfatter   69   0   69   11,50   5,75   1,3   7,48

32   GCC-12-2023   2   Jonas   Böttcher   MX Speed Team Schön   63   0   63   10,50   5,25   1,3   6,82

33   GCC-12-2001   2   Thomas   Ebertseder   Team Parthen Yamaha   61   0   61   10,17   5,08   1,3   6,60

34   GCC-12-2019   2   Arne   Mösch   KTM Team Parthen/ MSC Rudolstadt   59   0   59   9,83   4,92   1,3   6,40

35   GCC-12-2017   2   Gerd   Pfefferkorn   KTM FEIST / MCL Chemnitzer Land   52   0   52   8,67   4,34   1,3   5,64

35   GCC-12-2040   2   Patrick   Donath   Team Geilert/ MSC Triptis   52   0   52   8,67   4,34   1,3   5,64

37   ACC-12-2005   2   Josef   Obermoser   MSC-MATTIGHOFEN   32   0   32   8,00   4,00   1,3   5,20

37   GCC-12-2011   2   Stefan   Hau   Team Mäser Racing   48   0   48   8,00   4,00   1,3   5,20

39   ICC-12-2006   2   Federico   Tinagli   Team bardahl smr   39   0   39   7,80   3,90   1,3   5,07

40   ACC-12-2006   2   Henrik   Kortoletzky   MSC- Mattighofen/ Katastrofsky- Racing   30   0   30   7,50   3,75   1,3   4,88

41   GCC-12-2013   2   Marcel   Butzin   Team Parthen   44   0   44   7,33   3,66   1,3   4,76

42   GCC-12-2014   2   Marco   Günther   ZAP Racing Team Jakobi/MSTC Gembdental   42   0   42   7,00   3,50   1,3   4,55

43   GCC-12-2027   2   Manolito   Welink   Team Welink Husaberg   41   0   41   6,83   3,42   1,3   4,45

44   GCC-12-2007   2   Tudor   Lott   RoBo Racing Germany / KTM Team Musch   39   0   39   6,50   3,25   1,3   4,23

45   GCC-12-2043   2   Matthias   Saric   20   0   20   5,00   2,50   1,3   3,25

46   GCC-12-2020   2   Florian   Königsberger   Furchenadel Racingteam / Moto-Sport Sulzgru   19   0   19   4,75   2,38   1,3   3,09

47   GCC-12-2037   2   Eddie   Findling   TEAM HORNIK   27   0   27   4,50   2,25   1,3   2,92

48   ACC-12-2016   2   Christian   Strengberger   MaXimallast   17   0   17   4,25   2,12   1,3   2,76

49   GCC-12-2010   2   Kevin   Abele   Team MH-Motorräder/ Mc Windsberg   25   0   25   4,17   2,08   1,3   2,70

50   GCC-12-2042   2   Kay   Schwarz   TM RACING GERMANY / MC- LEHESTEN   23   0   23   3,83   1,92   1,3   2,50

51   GCC-12-2032   2   Tim Wayne   Scharpf   MXC-Center Waging   19   0   19   3,17   1,58   1,3   2,05

52   ACC-12-2019   2   Rainer   Hofbauer   12   0   12   3,00   1,50   1,3   1,95

53   GCC-12-2028   2   Jan   Peters   17   0   17   2,83   1,42   1,3   1,85

54   ACC-12-2020   2   Benjamin   Putz   10   0   10   2,50   1,25   1,3   1,62

55   ACC-12-2009   2   Martin   Gruber   MSC Hochneukirchen   9   0   9   2,25   1,12   1,3   1,46

56   ACC-12-2014   2   Wilhelm   Stocker   E.A.R.T. Enduro-Austria Racing Team   8   0   8   2,00   1,00   1,3   1,30

57   GCC-12-2003   2   Thomas   Berger   5   0   5   0,83   0,42   1,3   0,55

57   GCC-12-2025   2   Paul   Roßbach   Schroth Motorräder/MSC-Bauschheim   5   0   5   0,83   0,42   1,3   0,55



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WWW Oscar
« Risposta #4 inserita:: 26 Ottobre 2012, 15:24:57 »


EUROPEAN CROSS-COUNTRY Meisterschaftsstand 2012

Platz   Fahrer-Nr.   Kl.  Vorname   Nachname   Team   Pkt.   Streich   Pkt. Ges.   Schnitt   Pkt.   Punkte   Klassen-   Pkt. Ges.
XCC   XCC   XCC   (1)   Endlauf   ECC (2)   faktor   ECC (3)

1   GCC-12-3A010   3A   Jens   Schreiber   TM-Racing Germany   173   -17   156   26,00   30   43,00   1,1   47,30

2   ICC-12-3A007   3A   Diego   Pederiva   MotoClub Schio OffRoad   174   -22   155   31,00   25   40,50   1,1   44,55

3   ICC-12-3A004   3A   Michele   Dal pezzo   NO FEARS TEAM   176   -19   157   31,40   20   35,70   1,1   39,27

4   ICC-12-3A009   3A   Santino aurelio   Liuzza   Liuzza santino aurelio   166   -20   146   29,20   19   33,60   1,1   36,96

5   ACC-12-3A011   3A   Dusan   Gyergyek   Gyergyek Racing   103   -19   84   21,00   22   32,50   1,1   35,75

6   ICC-12-3A005   3A   GIOVANNI   MARTANI   MOTO CLUB GAMBARA   160   -19   141   28,20   18   32,10   1,1   35,31

7   ACC-12-3A016   3A   Benjamin   Walch   Richis Checkpoint-Team Gaber   145   -25   120   30,00   15,00   1,1   16,50

8   GCC-12-3A034   3A   Oliver   Wolfgang   MSC Triptis /Kawasaki Pfeil /  Cross Team Bö   145   -12   133   22,17   11,08   1,1   12,19

9   ACC-12-3A006   3A   Marco   Messner   TEAM   95   -9   86   21,50   10,75   1,1   11,82

10   GCC-12-3A014   3A   Kai   Markert   Yamaha Team Kolb / AMC Bad Windsheim / k   140   -15   125   20,83   10,42   1,1   11,46

11   GCC-12-3A029   3A   Yannik   Mosch   KTM Team West   123   -10   113   18,83   9,41   1,1   10,35

12   GCC-12-3A037   3A   Walther   Schneider   112   0   112   18,67   9,34   1,1   10,27

13   ICC-12-3A006   3A   Eugenio   Nuti   THC Racing   93   0   93   18,60   9,30   1,1   10,23

14   GCC-12-3A024   3A   Robert   Scharl   Team MXtreme Husqvarna   120   -9   111   18,50   9,25   1,1   10,18

15   ACC-12-3A005   3A   Franz   Gradl   MSC-MOOSDORF   86   -13   73   18,25   9,12   1,1   10,03

16   GCC-12-3A035   3A   Kevin   Romschinski   MSC Freier Grund   Husaberg Wills   114   -5   109   18,17   9,09   1,1   10,00

17   ICC-12-3A003   3A   ANDREA   LENCIONI   TEAM BARDAHL SMR   88   0   88   17,60   8,80   1,1   9,68

18   ACC-12-3A017   3A   Patrick   Heidinger   69   0   69   17,25   8,62   1,1   9,48

19   GCC-12-3A044   3A   Helmut   Bienenstorfer   Berreiter   68   0   68   17,00   8,50   1,1   9,35

20   ACC-12-3A004   3A   Tobias   Schindelar   77   -14   63   15,75   7,88   1,1   8,67

21   GCC-12-3A004   3A   Jürgen   Bachmann   Team Hiemer  / MSC Bad Wurzach   62   0   62   15,50   7,75   1,1   8,52

22   GCC-12-3A019   3A   Marcel   Kößel   MSV Fambach/Team Bauerschmidt   89   0   89   14,83   7,42   1,1   8,16

23   GCC-12-3A028   3A   Mike   Langguth   Team Parthen/MC-Veilsdorf   85   0   85   14,17   7,08   1,1   7,79

24   ACC-12-3A020   3A   Stefan   Jobst   MX-Racing-Team Damböck   54   0   54   13,50   6,75   1,1   7,43

25   GCC-12-3A022   3A   Tim   Schmidt   Team Bieberbach / Auto Turko   78   0   78   13,00   6,50   1,1   7,15

25   ACC-12-3A008   3A   Philipp   Reichinger   MSC Mattighofen   52   0   52   13,00   6,50   1,1   7,15

27   ICC-12-3A002   3A   ALESSANDRO   CROCCHI   TEAM BARDAHL SMR   58   0   58   11,60   5,80   1,1   6,38

27   ICC-12-3A001   3A   Nicola   Boni   58   0   58   11,60   5,80   1,1   6,38

29   GCC-12-3A026   3A   Max   Beste   Team Beste / MSC Sandhausen   68   0   68   11,33   5,66   1,1   6,23

30   GCC-12-3A025   3A   Lutz   Beste   Team Beste / MSC Sandhausen   65   0   65   10,83   5,42   1,1   5,96

30   GCC-12-3A008   3A   David   Böde   Cross Team Böde   65   0   65   10,83   5,42   1,1   5,96

30   GCC-12-3A005   3A   Christian   Luhm   MCM- Racing Team Christes   65   0   65   10,83   5,42   1,1   5,96

33   ACC-12-3A018   3A   Bernhard   Seidl   MSC Mattighofen   42   0   42   10,50   5,25   1,1   5,78

33   ACC-12-3A003   3A   Christian   Resinger   Obereder MOTOS   42   0   42   10,50   5,25   1,1   5,78

33   GCC-12-3A006   3A   Björn   Pape   TM Racing Gindert Race n Fun   63   0   63   10,50   5,25   1,1   5,78

36   GCC-12-3A030   3A   Stephan   Hein   67   -6   61   10,17   5,08   1,1   5,59

37   GCC-12-3A020   3A   Matthias   Ekelmann   Team Geitner   60   0   60   10,00   5,00   1,1   5,50

38   GCC-12-3A001   3A   Marcus   Staudacker   MSV Bühlertann e.V.   47   0   47   7,83   3,92   1,1   4,31

39   ACC-12-3A019   3A   Matthias   Wallner   MX Racing Team Damböck   31   0   31   7,75   3,88   1,1   4,27

40   GCC-12-3A016   3A   Mario   Dölz   Team Parthen Yamaha / MSC Dirty Sports e.V.   46   0   46   7,67   3,84   1,1   4,22

41   ACC-12-3A009   3A   Lukas   Bair   Motorrad Wolf Imst   29   0   29   7,25   3,62   1,1   3,98

42   GCC-12-3A042   3A   Patrick   Strelow   TEAM HORNIK   35   0   35   5,83   2,92   1,1   3,21

43   GCC-12-3A009   3A   Manuel   Böde   Cross Team Böde   29   0   29   4,83   2,42   1,1   2,66

43   GCC-12-3A002   3A   Marcel   Arnold   ZAP Racing Team Jakobi   29   0   29   4,83   2,42   1,1   2,66

45   GCC-12-3A007   3A   Michael   Artmayer   19   0   19   4,75   2,38   1,1   2,62

46   ACC-12-3A015   3A   WALTER   SPRINZL   MSC SCHREMS   17   0   17   4,25   2,12   1,1   2,33

46   ACC-12-3A002   3A   Christian   Gallob   MSC-Gailtal / KWSG Elektrotechnik   17   0   17   4,25   2,12   1,1   2,33

48   ICC-12-3A008   3A   Mattia   Gaglione   16   0   16   3,20   1,60   1,1   1,76

49   GCC-12-3A023   3A   Timo   Jungmann   Team Schnell Müd / MSC Laubus-Eschbach /   17   0   17   2,83   1,42   1,1   1,56

50   ACC-12-3A014   3A   Adi   Ringhofer by Husaberg Rameis   10   0   10   2,50   1,25   1,1   1,38

50   GCC-12-3A041   3A   Maik   Gruhne   Team KTM Engel   15   0   15   2,50   1,25   1,1   1,38

52   GCC-12-3A043   3A   Martin   Rohm   cross team böde   14   0   14   2,33   1,16   1,1   1,28

53   GCC-12-3A011   3A   Marcel   Adam   MCL Burgstädt/HD Racing   13   0   13   2,17   1,08   1,1   1,19

54   GCC-12-3A033   3A   Marcel   Brunner   Enduro Koch   8   0   8   1,33   0,66   1,1   0,73

55   GCC-12-3A046   3A   Lorenz   Berhalter   Msc Amtzell/Bepo Racing Team   7   0   7   1,17   0,58   1,1   0,64

55   GCC-12-3A032   3A   Rico   Schobert   K&P Zweiradtechnik / Innenausbau Frank Sch   7   0   7   1,17   0,58   1,1   0,64

57   GCC-12-3A021   3A   Rene´   Bornschein   BvZ Racing Team   4   0   4   0,67   0,34   1,1   0,37

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